Executive Member for Finance & Performance

18 January 2021


Report of Assistant Director, Customer & Digital Services


Health & Safety Update Report



1.        This report provides the Executive Member for Finance & Performance with:

·        the Health & Safety (H&S) 2019/20 outturn and the 2020/21 mid-term report fromthe Head of Health & Safety;

·        an update on the action being taken to address the risks raised in the report;

·        key areas of work for 2021;

·        client overview of the performance of Health & Safety (H&S) shared service formed by North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC) and City of York Council (CYC) which operates under a partnership agreement. 


2.        The report will assist the Executive Member in proactively monitoring the overall systems and management of health and safety across the council.  The issue of the 2019/20 annual report has been delayed by the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic during which the service has been very much focused on assisting both councils in implementing covid-safe working practices within council buildings and public places.




3.        The Executive Member is asked to:


a)   note the report covering the 18 month period including the council’s response to managing and responding to significant H&S risks including those relating to the pandemic;

b)   note the performance of the Shared H&S Service;

c)   consider any areas of H&S risk management for further reporting at future decision sessions.


      Reason:  To ensure the Executive Member and residents are assured that H&S services are appropriately managed and resilient and the council has proper arrangements in place for managing and responding to H&S risks.




4.        The 18 month report of the Head of Health & Safety is attached as the Annex to this report.  It covers work relating to the 2019/20 financial year and 20/21 to the end of September 2020.  It summaries key points relating to:


·          the council’s H&S performance for the period;

·          key areas of the H&S Team’s work;

·          accident and incident statistics including RIDDOR[1] reportable incidents;

·          a look forward to the key areas of work planned for 2021 including the priorities of the Health & Safety Executive (HSE).


5.        In response to the areas of concern raised, the council’s Joint Health & Safety Committee (JHSC) receives reports back from Directorate representatives (normally at Assistant Director level) on action being taken to review risks and learning from accidents and incidents.  This was enhanced from July 2019 as the committee now monitor the implementation of actions from investigations arising from major accidents/incidents reported.


6.        The new B-safe H&S system is also now in operation and the committee can now monitor other activity – for example numbers of Display Screen Assessments completed which is now a critical part of ensuring staff are working safely at home during the pandemic. Further monitoring will be undertaken when the Risk Assessment module is rolled out next year.


7.        In addition to this, to help support directorates in ensuring Health &Safety messages are taken seriously and are well communicated, the council’s Communications Team is now represented at the JHSC.  The membership has also been enhanced by the attendance of members of the Public Health Management Team to secure the link to employee health and wellbeing. Public Health involvement has been critical to date during the pandemic.


8.        As in the previous year, the council’s client officer for the Shared Head Service, the Assistant Director for Customer & Digital Services has undertaken an analysis of the key areas of performance as laid down by Schedule 1 of the shared service Collaboration Agreement.


9.        The analysis is shown in the table below and this is based on the fortnightly review meetings attended by the client officer (author of this report)  with the Head of Health & Safety and the quarterly meetings of the Client Officer Group, at which both client officers for NYCC and CYC meet with the Head of Health & Safety and respective accountants from both councils.







Provision of a competent H&S Service to CYC


1.2 i

Promotion of a Health and Safety Culture in CYC


1.2 ii

Assistance and support in accident and incident investigations including RIDDOR reporting and liaison with regulators and other agencies (including HSE, Fire and Rescue Services and Police)


1.2 iii

Advice on local policy and procedure development


1.2 iv

Provision of Health and safety advice and guidance


1.2 v

Assistance to managers in the conduct of risk assessments and/or assistance in completion of fire risk assessments


1.2 vi

Asbestos Management Reviews


1.2 vii

Assistance with training identification and delivery of health and safety courses


1.2 viii

Audit and monitoring of services as regards health and safety performance


1.2 ix

Assistance with measuring and reviewing H&S performance


1.2 x

Attendance at relevant Portfolio Holder, Executive and Council meetings as appropriate


1.2 xi

Advice to the CYC Safety Advisory Group (SAG) regarding Event Safety


1.2 xii

Presence at appropriate formal Trade Union Health and Safety meetings in particular the Joint Health and Safety Committee quarterly and the Department Health and Safety as appropriate


1.3 i

Contribute to CYC’s business planning


1.3 ii

Attend Departmental Management Team and Council Team Meetings as required


1.3 iii

Contribute as a Member of the council’s management arrangements such as the CYC Leading Together cohort  



The Service to NYCC and CYC will be tailored to meet the needs and priorities of NYCC and CYC through liaison with the Nominated Officers. 




10.    Of particular note from the report in the annex is the significant and competent work in 2020 of the service with specific reference to the Covid-19 pandemic, fire risk assessment work and major construction projects.  The team have also been integral to post incident and post-audit learning and behaviour change work.


11.    Last year it was reported that future corporate H&S performance will also be also assessed through the achievement of local Health & Safety Plans agreed with each of the council’s Directorates.  This work has not progressed due to the pandemic but will be a focus over the 2021/22 period once the new officer council structure is embedded and operating.




12.    The Council Management Team have received and considered the content of the Annual Report. 




13.    There are no options in this report given that the recommendations on the content of the Annual Report are to note the content only. As part of his portfolio monitoring role of H&S matters the Executive Member can identify any areas of specific H&S risk for further reporting at future decision sessions.




14.    All information is contained in the body of the report.


Council Plan


15.    Outcomes achieved by the activities covered in this report help to deliver all priorities in the Council Plan, ensuring that as an employer the council sets a positive example of supporting employees to achieve their full potential in a safe working environment





a.    Financial:  None


b.    Human Resources (HR):  The report relates to all employees of the council.  The H&S shared service is hosted by NYCC.


c.    Equalities:  None


d.    Legal:  The content of this report contributes to evidence that the council is complying with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and associated regulations.


e.    Crime and Disorder:  There are no crime and disorder implications to this report.


f.      Information Technology (ICT):  None


g.    Property:  None


h.    Other:  No known implications.


Risk Management


17.  The controls and evidence in this report mitigate/minimise risks associated with any breach of H&S and fire safety regulations.



Contact Details Author:


Stuart Langston

Shared Head of Health and Safety

Tel No. 01904 552621


Pauline Stuchfield

Assistant Director - Customer & Digital Services

Tel No.  01904 551706



Chief Officers Responsible for the report:


Ian Floyd

Director of Customer & Corporate Services

Tel No.  01904 552909





Report Approved






Specialist Implications Officer(s)


Financial: Ian Floyd, Director of Customer & Corporate Services


Legal: Janie Berry, Director of Governance & Monitoring Officer



Wards Affected:  List wards or tick box to indicate all






Background Papers:


Annual Health & Safety Report  2018 -19 which can be found here:



Annex A     Health & Safety Report – 1st April 2019 to 30 September 2020


List of abbreviations used in this report 


H&S           Health & Safety

CYC           City of York Council

NYCC        North Yorkshire County Council

HSE           Health & Safety Executive

HR              Human Resources

JHSC         Joint Health & Safety Committee

RIDDOR    Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013

SAG           Safety Advisory Group


[1] notifiable under the provisions of the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013